Tag: Exadata

Big data is a big deal these days. Every CTO read about it and believes that with the right technology it is possible to deliver meaningful business insights from massive amounts of information in real time. And they are correct. However, many IT shops also believe that you need cutting technologies like NoSQL and Hadoop…

Big data is a big deal these days. Every CTO read about it and believes that with the right technology it is possible to deliver meaningful business insights from massive amounts of information in real time. And they are correct. However, many IT shops also believe that you need cutting technologies like NoSQL and Hadoop…

Big data is a big deal these days. Every CTO read about it and believes that with the right technology it is possible to deliver meaningful business insights from massive amounts of information in real time. And they are correct. However, many IT shops also believe that you need cutting technologies like NoSQL and Hadoop…

Time to value is an important consideration when purchasing an Exadata. So should it be when integrating it into your enterprise. While the urge to intricately plan and prepare a warehouse ecosystem worthy of this dream platform, management's need to maintain its competitive edge and for fast return on investment required a more expedient and…

Time to value is an important consideration when purchasing an Exadata. So should it be when integrating it into your enterprise. While the urge to intricately plan and prepare a warehouse ecosystem worthy of this dream platform, management's need to maintain its competitive edge and for fast return on investment required a more expedient and…

The drastic price drops in solid state storage have opened new avenues to maximize database performance. Even very large databases can put their entire active data sets on solid state storage, relegating rotating storage to archival roles. Exadata X3 demonstrates how terabytes of solid state storage can be obtained for the same cost as smaller…

The drastic price drops in solid state storage have opened new avenues to maximize database performance. Even very large databases can put their entire active data sets on solid state storage, relegating rotating storage to archival roles. Exadata X3 demonstrates how terabytes of solid state storage can be obtained for the same cost as smaller…

In this Case Study, the over design of using GoldenGate (GG) to consolidate several databases (Oracle and SqlServer) into a single database running on Exadata X2-2 is dicussed. Beacuse of the large volume of transactions being replicated, significant GG tuning, Database configuration and system configuration were required. For added, sensitive data in the database require…

In this Case Study, the over design of using GoldenGate (GG) to consolidate several databases (Oracle and SqlServer) into a single database running on Exadata X2-2 is dicussed. Beacuse of the large volume of transactions being replicated, significant GG tuning, Database configuration and system configuration were required. For added, sensitive data in the database require…

In this Case Study, the over design of using GoldenGate (GG) to consolidate several databases (Oracle and SqlServer) into a single database running on Exadata X2-2 is dicussed. Beacuse of the large volume of transactions being replicated, significant GG tuning, Database configuration and system configuration were required. For added, sensitive data in the database require…