Tag: Security

Nov 14 @  2:00pm

Since the introduction of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), regulatory authorities in the United States are introducing their own data privacy mandates. Going into effect on January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is the latest in a growing list of regulations, and other states are beginning to follow. Because PII…

Nov 13 @  3:30pm

  Oracle Database 19c has hundreds of powerful features that help secure your data, and new capabilities are added with every release. In this session join Oracle product managers to discover 10 security features you may not be aware of. These features can help you streamline user administration, reduce your attack surface, deploy more-secure applications,…

Nov 13 @  3:30pm

  Oracle Database 19c has hundreds of powerful features that help secure your data, and new capabilities are added with every release. In this session join Oracle product managers to discover 10 security features you may not be aware of. These features can help you streamline user administration, reduce your attack surface, deploy more-secure applications,…

Caroline Wong, Chief Security Strategist at Cobalt.io, a cybersecurity company, wrote an article in Forbes about 10 cybersecurity blind spots that companies should keep an eye on. These are issues that security teams don’t always see or aren’t always accounting for, but they should be.

Caroline Wong, Chief Security Strategist at Cobalt.io, a cybersecurity company, wrote an article in Forbes about 10 cybersecurity blind spots that companies should keep an eye on. These are issues that security teams don’t always see or aren’t always accounting for, but they should be.

Caroline Wong, Chief Security Strategist at Cobalt.io, a cybersecurity company, wrote an article in Forbes about 10 cybersecurity blind spots that companies should keep an eye on. These are issues that security teams don’t always see or aren’t always accounting for, but they should be.

Sep 4 @  11:00am

With more enterprises hosting mission-critical applications like Oracle-PeopleSoft in the cloud, application managers and DevOps teams need to be aware of the evolving threat landscape. They also need to architect the deployment to be resilient in the face of ever-evolving threats. In this talk, Laurent Gil will share the latest cybersecurity research findings based on…

Sep 4 @  11:00am

With more enterprises hosting mission-critical applications like Oracle-PeopleSoft in the cloud, application managers and DevOps teams need to be aware of the evolving threat landscape. They also need to architect the deployment to be resilient in the face of ever-evolving threats. In this talk, Laurent Gil will share the latest cybersecurity research findings based on…

105340 JD Edwards Keynote - Showcasing Customer Digital Success Presented at INFOCUS 19 The digital revolution is officially here. Digital technologies are creating connected, agile and real-time businesses. JD Edwards innovation creates exceptional customer experiences and improved operational efficiency through reimagined ERP process. EnterpriseOne 9.2 solutions are providing our customers practical options for meeting the…

105340 JD Edwards Keynote - Showcasing Customer Digital Success Presented at INFOCUS 19 The digital revolution is officially here. Digital technologies are creating connected, agile and real-time businesses. JD Edwards innovation creates exceptional customer experiences and improved operational efficiency through reimagined ERP process. EnterpriseOne 9.2 solutions are providing our customers practical options for meeting the…