JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator Patterns That Lead to Digital Transformation
Posted by Shelby Klingerman
- Last updated 4/17/19
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Digital business in the areas of transportation, music, restaurants, lodging, groceries, and movies are all easy, accurate, and timely. In order to make digital business with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne easy, accurate, and timely as well, users need to start learning about Orchestrator, get a sandbox, pick a problem, solve it, and engage with peers and partners.
A.J. Schifano, Product Manager for Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, spoke about patterns that lead to digital transformation when using the JDE EnterpriseOne Orchestrator.
Orchestrations can be very powerful and useful when utilized effectively. An orchestration begins as a simple (micro) service. From there, the orchestration can be transformed into a process with multiple steps. As the user progresses, the idea is to have orchestrations calling other orchestrations and eventually scheduled, real-time, interconnected services.
Orchestrator is not only another feature within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, but it is also the feature that changes how users engage with EnterpriseOne itself.
Humans follow the paradigm of Alert, Analyze, Act. Similarly, machines follow the path of Detect, Decide, Do. The goal is to shift toward letting machines do work that humans don’t need or want to—freeing up more time for humans to focus on creative, value-adding work. Orchestrator helps make this happen.
Repeating Inputs: A Common Orchestrator Pattern
Repeating Input is one form of Orchestration that is utilized frequently. The user can create one at a time, create many from an array of Inputs, create many from a CSV file, or repeat a task over a JDE Grid. When creating one at a time, the Orchestration will ask for certain inputs.
A.J. gave the example of registering new equipment, and in this example, the user will fill in all inputs. Inputs for this example include:
- Equipment number
- Description
- Site number
- Serial number
- Product model
- Product family
To create many from an array of inputs, the user simply copies and pastes from the file to JSON input in Orchestrator Client. To add inputs from an Excel sheet, the user saves the Excel sheet as a CSV file, opens it with Notepad, and then copy and pastes to JSON input in Orchestrator Client.
Using Orchestrator for System Administration Tasks
There are also ways to orchestrate System Administration tasks. One example of utilizing Orchestrator from an administrative standpoint would be onboarding new users. The administrator can create one at a time or create many from a CSV file. When creating one at a time, the administrator can add the employee to the address book, assign a JDE user profile, and create user security record.
In addition, a new Error Management enhancement has been added to Orchestrator. It allows error handling for each step within the Orchestration. The user has the options to abort the step, ignore and continue with the step, leave an error message for the user, or use another Orchestration to launch.
Additional Resources
For more information, check out the newly organized information about the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator on www.learnjde.com. It has been sorted into categories like “Get Started,” “Implement,” and “Use.” Within the “Use” category, there are some tutorials to help new users utilize Orchestrator most effectively. You can also browse through the additional Quest resources and A.J.’s full presentation attached below.
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